The classic Apache Relay has always been
a favorite evening activity for campers and counselors alike. In this
race, there are various stations that one camper must complete before
the group can move on to the rest. In the past, there would be 10 or so
simple tasks that made up the entire Apache Relay. However, this evening
activity was revamped this year by CK's own Ryan Belline. Instead, a
team would be composed of 24 campers who would have to travel from the
turf field, to the tennis courts, back to the turf field, and finally
into the field house to finish the relay! Because this event is
extremely fast and all over the place, pictures from both the Super and
Senior/Junior Apache relay have been used to cover it's enormity. |
As you can tell, the counselors were extremely excited for this
momentous event. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_001_small.jpg) |
To start, the campers are divided into 4 large teams
so that every event could be covered. Afterwards, each team member
decides which station that would like to be on. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_002_small.jpg) |
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![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_004_small.jpg) |
The relay began with a long
board race from the staring line to the entrance to the track. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_005_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_007_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_008_small.jpg) |
Then, 3 campers were waiting to run a 3 by 100 meter relay to the tennis
courts. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_009_small.jpg) |
Once completed, one person needed to balance 5
tennis balls on a racket and bring it to the serving box where... |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_010_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_012_small.jpg) |
another person had to complete a valid serve. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_011_small.jpg) |
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![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_013_small.jpg) |
The tennis ball was then chucked
across the field to a teammate who was waiting to throw it into a bin
approximately 20 yards away. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_048_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_049_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_015_small.jpg) |
Up next was a sponge relay where campers had to transfer water from one
bucket to another to drench a Campus Kids T-shit. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_051_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_050_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_053_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_052_small.jpg) |
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![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_056_small.jpg) |
After the T-shirt was thoroughly
soaked, one person had to remove it from the bucket and put it
completely on (if you have ever attempted to do this, you know exactly
how difficult is can be!). |
After, two players began to toss a frisbee back and
forth until 10 throws were completed. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_016_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_017_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_018_small.jpg) |
The final outdoor event was a 20
yard field goal using three players: one kicker, one holder, and one
receiver. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_019_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_058_small.jpg) |
Everyone then ran into the field house to cheer on their teams in the
final events. First up was the water chug...
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_062_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_061_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_060_small.jpg) |
which was followed by one person
blowing up a balloon and another person popping it in any way possible. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_063_small.jpg) |
After hearing the balloon bop,
one person had to jump into a sleeping bag with a basketball in the
bottom and hop from the end line to half court. |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_020_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_064_small.jpg) |
They then removed the basketball
and handed it to the final person who participated in the last and most
intense station of the night: the half court shot! |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-16_Lindsey_021_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_065_small.jpg) |
![](../images/journals/lindsey/Apache_Relay/Campus_Kids_NJ_2011-08-03_Lindsey_066_small.jpg) |
Although there was an obvious winner in this evening activity, it didn't
matter because everyone had a great time experiencing the new an
improved version of an old favorite! |